Hopeful Minds Services

Primary Care

Primary Care services offered in Glendale, AZ

Primary Care

Primary Care services offered in Glendale, AZ

Your primary care provider is your home base for all your health and wellness needs. Whether you wake up with a sore throat or it’s time to schedule your annual exam, your primary care provider offers these essential services. At TimeToday Healthcare, in Glendale, AZ,  the team proudly offer primary care services for people 12 and older. If it’s been a few years since you last visited the doctor or you’ve recently moved to the area and want to establish care, the team at TimeToday Healthcare can help. To schedule a visit, call the office or request one online today. The team proudly offers same-day and telehealth appointments.

Primary Care Q&A

What exactly is primary care?

Primary care is an essential medical field focusing on comprehensive physical health treatment. Alongside addressing common ailments like colds and flu, primary care physicians, like those at TimeToday Healthcare, offer a broad spectrum of expertise.

Primary care providers can:

  • Provide health guidance
  • Assist in establishing and attaining specific health objectives
  • Manage various diseases

Additionally, primary care physicians emphasize preventive medicine, encompassing diagnostic assessments, annual check-ups, and screenings.

Primary care encompasses three classifications:

Family Medicine

This primary care option caters to individuals of all ages, from children to seniors. At TimeToday Healthcare, the team provides comprehensive care for people 12 and older. Their expertise also extends to diagnosing and treating physically active teens involved in school sports and extracurricular activities.

Internal Medicine

Focusing on diagnosing and treating adults, internal medicine is an integral branch of primary care. The skilled providers at TimeToday Healthcare routinely address conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and sports-related or musculoskeletal injuries.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Centered on women's reproductive health, this primary care discipline addresses concerns like pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and different birth control methods. The primary care team at TimeToday Healthcare offers adept guidance in these areas.

When should I consult a primary care provider?

While primary care providers can manage and treat numerous health issues, including chronic ailments like arthritis and diabetes, specialized conditions may require a specialist’s expertise. At TimeToday Healthcare, the team ensures seamless referrals or coordinated care whenever a more specialized intervention is needed, prioritizing your health and well-being.

In addition to managing chronic and acute health issues, your primary care provider plays a crucial role in preventive health care. They are your first point of contact for routine health screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle counseling to promote long-term health. 

When it comes to navigating your overall health, including mental health and wellness, your primary care provider at TimeToday Healthcare is dedicated to offering comprehensive support and guidance. 

Their commitment extends beyond immediate treatment. The proactive approach ensures you receive the most holistic care possible.

How often should I see my primary care provider?

There’s no rigid protocol for primary care visits, yet visiting your primary care provider annually is recommended. This routine check-up monitors your overall health, allows for open discussions regarding concerns, and fosters a strong patient-doctor relationship.

To enhance your health and life quality, make primary care a part of your yearly routine. Call TimeToday Healthcare or request an appointment online today. The team also offers telehealth visits.