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Autism services offered in Glendale, AZ


Autism services offered in Glendale, AZ

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is widespread and takes several forms, and for parents whose children have ASD, there are often more questions than answers. If you’re looking for a detailed diagnosis and treatment recommendations for your autistic child, the team at TimeToday Healthcare in Glendale, AZ can help. They provide psychological, developmental, and educational evaluations and have extensive experience in providing treatment recommendations for children with ASD. Find out more by calling TimeToday Healthcare or schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.

Autism Q&A

What is autism?

Autism begins at birth or within a child’s first two-and-a-half years of life. Children with autism typically:

  • Have delayed speech and language development
  • Encounter difficulties with social interaction
  • Engage in unusual forms of play

They also tend to make peculiar movements, such as rocking and flapping their hands and, in some cases, hurting themselves.

Other conditions often get misdiagnosed as autism or vice versa, and it takes trained, experienced clinicians like the TimeToday Healthcare team to tease apart the subtleties afflicting children with this disorder.

Are there different types of autism?

Children with autism are now said to be on the autistic spectrum, which encompasses most of the autistic disorders that used to be classified separately.

Classifying these separate disorders as variations on the autistic spectrum is more accurate. It’s also easier for parents and those with ASD to understand. The spectrum ranges from typical functioning at one end to severe disability and an inability to communicate at the other.

Your child could be at any level in between, and most people have some autistic traits that would feature at the lower end of the spectrum. It’s only when these traits are numerous enough or severe enough to negatively affect a child’s development that they would receive a diagnosis of ASD.

Is Asperger’s syndrome linked to autism?

Asperger’s syndrome is a high-functioning kind of autism. It’s one of the disorders that now falls under the autistic spectrum.

People with Asperger’s tend to have problems understanding their emotions, difficulties with social situations, and an inability to feel empathy for other people.

However, they’re often brilliant and have exceptional focus and patience that means they frequently excel in their chosen field.

How is autism diagnosed?

The TimeToday Healthcare team has extensive expertise in diagnosing autism spectrum disorders.

Your child’s practitioner carries out a comprehensive assessment that evaluates memory, learning, attention, and cognitive abilities and looks at any other potential influences on your child, such as:

  • Genetic factors
  • Environment
  • Underlying health problems
  • Medical history

Once they’ve gathered all this information, the TimeToday Healthcare team prepares a report. This details their diagnosis, recommends further testing or referrals your child might need, details how you and the school can help your child, and provides therapy planning.

If you’re concerned that your child may have autistic spectrum disorder, call TimeToday Healthcare or book an evaluation using the online scheduling feature today.