Hopeful Minds Services


Anxiety services offered in Glendale, AZ


Anxiety services offered in Glendale, AZ

Anxiety disorders cause disabling stress and fear that can lead to terrifying panic attacks. If it feels like you're constantly affected by anxiety, contact the team at TimeToday Healthcare in Glendale, Arizona. They specialize in treating disorders like anxiety and the depression that often develops alongside it using medication and psychotherapy to provide effective symptom relief. Call TimeToday Healthcare to find an anxiety therapy that works for you, or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.

Anxiety Q&A

What is anxiety?

Feeling anxious at times is perfectly normal — you’re bound to feel nervous before an important work presentation or your child’s first day at school. What’s not normal is to feel anxious most or all of the time.

If anxiety rules your life, it’s become a mental health disorder. The most common kind is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), where everything from visiting the grocery store to natural disasters are sources of stress and fear.

Some people have anxiety that focuses on a specific situation or object. These are phobias — fear of flying, heights, and spiders are common ones. Social anxiety disorder is a phobia where your fear centers on being in social situations.

Anxiety disorders are distressing and often disabling. However, with expert treatment at TimeToday Healthcare, you can overcome abnormal anxiety.

What symptoms do anxiety disorders cause?

Anxiety disorders cause both psychological and physical problems. Common symptoms include:

  • Nervousness
  • Tension
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Excessive sweating
  • Trembling
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Panic attacks

Panic attacks are frightening experiences where your anxiety becomes so severe you can’t function normally. In addition to sweating, shaking, and a pounding heart, you might have chest pain and difficulty catching your breath. Panic attacks can make you freeze, unable to speak or move, or you might cry or scream uncontrollably.

Panic attacks are such horrible experiences that you’re likely to adopt avoidance behaviors. That means isolating yourself where you feel safest so that you reduce the risk of further panic attacks.

Many people develop depression along with anxiety. Without treatment, these disorders can severely impact your quality of life.

What are the treatment options for anxiety?

When you seek help for anxiety at TimeToday Healthcare, the team performs a comprehensive psychiatric consultation. This process enables your provider to understand your condition and how it’s affecting you.

Effective treatments for anxiety include:


Psychotherapy takes many forms, all of which involve talking about your condition. You might benefit from techniques that help you process past experiences and memories that could be triggering your anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is also helpful for anxiety, showing you how to manage your fears day-to-day.


Anti-anxiety medication can help reduce the severity of your symptoms. Antidepressants can help, too, if you also have depression.

To find the treatment combination that’s right for you, call TimeToday Healthcare or request an appointment online today.