Hopeful Minds Services


ADHD services offered in Glendale, AZ


ADHD services offered in Glendale, AZ

ADHD, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, is best known for being a behavioral problem in children, but many adults suffer from the effects of undiagnosed ADHD. If you’ve had problems since childhood, the team at TimeToday Healthcare in Glendale, Arizona, can help. They have considerable experience in treating children and adults affected by ADHD. Call TimeToday Healthcare or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online today if you or your child need expert help with ADHD.


What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder — a developmental problem that affects how children behave. Parents whose children have undiagnosed ADHD typically struggle to cope with their child’s behavior.

Sometimes, children with ADHD are seen as troublemakers, so recognizing that they have a specific developmental disorder is essential in finding ways to help both them and those around them.

Unfortunately, many children with ADHD don’t get a diagnosis during their childhood and continue to struggle as adults. They might find it hard to hold down a job, get in trouble with the police, or get into fights and not understand why they behave as they do.

The TimeToday Healthcare team has considerable experience in diagnosing and helping children and adults with ADHD.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

Children who have ADHD find it difficult to concentrate and often do poorly at school. They might get into trouble for not paying attention or disrupting the class and may have problems maintaining friendships. Other symptoms include:

  • Being easily distracted
  • Behaving impulsively
  • Acting without thinking
  • Disregarding their safety
  • Frustration
  • Mood swings
  • Fidgetiness
  • Unlimited energy

Children with ADHD tend to do odd things like leaving their seats during class or losing themselves in a dream world. They typically find tasks relating to organization and sequencing particularly challenging.

All children show signs of behaviors that are typical of conditions like ADHD at times, but children with ADHD exhibit these symptoms consistently or repeatedly. ADHD typically starts to affect children before the age of twelve, so if your symptoms began during your teens or when you became an adult, it’s unlikely you have ADHD.

How is ADHD diagnosed and treated?

When you visit TimeToday Healthcare, your provider needs to go through your or your child’s medical history and talk with you or them about feelings and experiences from childhood to the present.

Treating ADHD involves taking medications under a provider’s careful supervision. Certain types of stimulants can help with focus and reduce extreme behavior, but it can take time to find the optimal drug and dosage level.

You also attend behavior therapy sessions at TimeToday Healthcare. This helps you or your child understand the condition and modify behaviors.

To find out more about ADHD and how you can manage the condition for a happier, more productive life for yourself or your child, call TimeToday Healthcare or request an appointment using the online booking feature today.